To represent the interests of graduate students at APBA by:
• presenting and discussing students’ opinions and needs at the working meetings of APBA and of APBA-GSW;
• promoting graduate students’ researches and findings at APBA and Worldwide as well; and
• organizing students’ posters competition and parallel events during the APBA conferences.
To build the capacity of graduate students through:
• organizing webinars and professional development workshops and conferences;
• organizing peer mentoring; and
• sharing publications/books of researchers and graduate students of APBA and of non APBA members as well.
To provide a network platform for graduate students through;
• APBA and APBA-GSW websites; and
• Creation and animation of Social media groups/pages.
To connect graduate students with industries, research institutions and funding opportunities by:
• developing collaborations with other associations and institutions; and
• sharing through APBA-GSW network relevant calls for applications and projects.